Bexhill Public School Parents and Citizens Association
Who are we?
The Bexhill Public School P&C Association is made up of caring parents and citizens just like you! The P&C promotes the interests of the parent body and the school by having
parents, citizens, students and teaching staff work in close co-operation. At Bexhill our willing parent community has over the years fundraised to provide new infrastructure upgrades, smart whiteboards, iPads, literacy resources, sporting transport and much more to the school. We also manage the operation of the school canteen. Each year we bring the school together for many social events, working bees or to discuss issues such as traffic concerns, children's safety etc.
What do we do?
Our objectives are to:
• bring parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation
• assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
How do we do this?
We meet regularly, discuss, brainstorm and fundraise together to provide services for the school to be a wonderful place for your children. AND we make friends, eat yummy food, and have fun too! We care about our community of which the school is an integral part. Many P&C members participate in and contribute to Bexhill beyond the school gates.
What did we do this past year?
- School canteen – weekly service (Friday) healthy and delicious meals to students and staff for lunch and recess, see menu below
- Sausage Sizzles – Athletics day, Bunnings, Meet the Teacher night, Local and Federal Elections
- Winter Warmer Curry Night in 2021 – at the Bexhill Hall with delicious curries, live music, mobile bar and good company!
- Supported students with new laptops in the classroom and reading resources
- Purchased a new oven for the canteen
- Mother’s Day Stall – gifts for mum
- Fathers Day breakfast - a time to celebrate our male carers, dads and grandparents
- Funded bus transportation for excursions and swimming events
- Purchased final year shirts for the Year 6 senior students
- Supported the Garden Club to create a new garden space
How do I get involved?
All are welcome to join the P&C. You do not have to hold an official position, you can just join and come along to the meetings to hear about, and contribute to, what is happening at our school. Bring a friend if it feels a bit daunting!
Meetings are held 6:15pm Monday in weeks 2 and 6 of school term in the school library.
We understand time is precious, but our members find being of service to the school community (no matter how large or small) very rewarding.
Becoming a member
Membership of the Bexhill Public School P&C Association is open to all parents and guardians of pupils attending the school and to all citizens and includes:
• a vote in P&C decision making
• access (and adherence) to the Constitution, by-laws and Code of Conduct
• volunteer opportunities
Annual membership is $2.00 and renews in November each year.
To join just click on this link:
Or scan the below QR code:
We look forward to hearing from you!
2021-22 Executive Committee:
Amanda Hughes - President
Ben Wilson - Vice President
Fiona Berry - Secretary
Tanya Woods - Treasurer